Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Today my daughter made her firt pot of brown beans. An important staple in Southern homes. You know there have been times when potato soup or a pot of beans have to take you through the week. I found some country ham in the frig. and she guessed at the amount of salt. That is all she put in besides draining and soaking the beans there is not much to it. They were very good. Teaching her how to wash out clothes without a washer. How to hang the up to dry. Sounds simple but these techniques are well thought out. You must hang your shirts by the bottom not to stretch the shoulders. Iron on the wrong side out. Can't think of any more life lesions at the moment. Just learn to adapt. Sometimes making due is just a little more work and a good imagination. Of course we must thank the Lord for all He has provided. He has blessed this daughter beyond measure.
I was walking out of my workplace a couple days ago with a crippled fellow. He has a physically demanding job as I work in a office, sitting on a cushion chair. I said to him 'When we went in it was dark and leaving it is dark. I miss the sunshine'. He said 'I don't mind as long as I have a job'. Well you can imagine how my heart sunk. Not for a moment should I have forgotten that. He has blessed this daughter beyond measure.

1 comment:

  1. I know it's a wonderful God wink as my friend Em says. Thank God we do have jobs.
